We are living longer and longer, and this means that we have to take more care of ourselves. Without going any further, Catalonia is one of the territories of the European Union where there is a higher life expectancy. But we should not trust the statistics blindly, time does not pass equally for everyone, and these years have been especially delicate. Little by little, muscles become less flexible, bones more fragile and senses such as sight and hearing deteriorate.
The most frequent accidents that occur in the elderly are falls, which can cause injuries that can compromise health and physical well-being. The good news is that there are many things we can do to prevent these incidents. Here are some recommendations to reduce the risk of falling and avoid injury:
Physical activity helps us to reverse many of the effects of aging. It is convenient to keep active daily without reaching exhaustion and with exercise appropriate to our situation. A simple way to introduce movement in our daily life is, for example, to go for a walk. We can take advantage of the time to go shopping or when we go to get medication at our pharmacy to exercise.
The loss of vision and hearing is a gradual process typical of age. This hearing and vision loss can significantly affect the quality of life, causing problems of isolation, mobility, etc. To ensure that this does not happen, it is advisable to have annual check-ups.
As we age, the action of some medications on our body changes. Therefore, there may be medications or combinations of medications that cause dizziness or drowsiness and make falling easier. Medications associated with an increased risk of falling are antidepressants, antipsychotics, and sleep medications.
If you have any questions or concerns about the medications you are taking, consult your pharmacists!
It is important to wear appropriate footwear that closes at the heel and has a rubber sole to prevent slipping. If you go out on the street, it is advisable to always walk on the sidewalk and avoid areas where the pavement is uneven. If you want to cross the road, it is advisable to do it always on the crosswalk, respecting the traffic lights at all times.
If we have balance problems or feel insecure when walking, one option is to use walkers or canes to provide additional support.
Eva Coll – Trainee pharmacist at the Miró Pharmacy