Carrying the name of the neighbourhood around the world

The Club Natació Atlàtic-Barceloneta, the sports club par excellence of the neighbourhood and the leader of the municipal sports facilities, has recently renewed its board of directors. And Julian Garcia remains at the head as president after 25 years.

A Club that carries the name of the neighbourhood around the world with its first water polo team, which competes in the top European competition, the Champions League. Needless to say, its players represent the majority of the Spanish national team, which wins titles at the highest level, including World Champions in 2022.

But beyond the sporting aspect, which places it as one of the best schools of water polo and swimming in Spain, it has been committed to being a responsible Club, first of all, with people, but also economically. The commitment to the future is clear. To give continuity to the commitment to its members, to continue growing without forgetting its history and proudly maintain the roots with our neighborhood, the Barceloneta. And, to carry out this mission, they will work on 5 major axes: CNAB sports, sustainable CNAB, CNAB installation, CNAB responsible and CNAB family.

Commitment to sustainability

We would like to make special mention of the sustainability aspect. It is one of its main challenges. The CNAB has a firm commitment to the environment, and this involves having sustainable and responsible facilities for their daily activities.

They have been working on this matter for years. In 2019 they will install 3 biomass boilers, which work with local pellets, and produce heat to heat up the swimming pools and sanitary water for the showers, reducing gas consumption by 90%. At the beginning of 2022, 325 photovoltaic panels were installed on the roof of the indoor pool, which represents 15% of its total electricity consumption from renewable energy. They have also made an important investment to have LED lighting throughout the facility and to automatize the system. Finally, they work with the Freepool system in the indoor pool. It is an integral and revolutionary solution, the only one of its kind in the world, for the treatment and disinfection of the water and which will considerably improve the health and well-being of the users. It disinfects the pool water with the most natural and sustainable technology on the market, the Neolysis, and regulates the pH levels by injecting high efficiency CO2 through the GVG System, reducing at the same time the water consumption.

All these measures have a clear objective. In terms of energy, to be more efficient and autonomous, to reduce consumption and, above all, to minimize the environmental impact.

This is a real commitment that is demonstrated by their active participation in the B+S Network, for a more sustainable city. Another clear sign of their involvement is that they have been selected by popular vote to be one of the 44 organizations, among 1800, as a new member of the Citizen Council for Environmental Sustainability of the Barcelona City Council. This body advises on public policies related to environmental sustainability and the fight against climate emergency. The CNAB will be in charge of providing topics for debate related to the environmental impact of sporting activity in the city, in Barceloneta and specifically on the waterfront. And, of course, it will look after the interests and needs of the neighbourhood entities and its neighbours.

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