A fish market open to the city

With a budget of 7,563,000 euros and a completion period of 17 months, the project includes a new 3,233 m2 building, open to the public, which, together with an area of 24,103 m2 for development, will promote and make the fishing activity that takes place in Barcelona more visible

The new fish market will be divided into three blocks to make the services required by the different types of fishing carried out in Barcelona -fishing and trawling- and which involve the capture of blue fish and white fish more efficient. This separation by type of fish will streamline auctions and fish preparation, packaging and invoicing processes.

The future fish market, which will house the offices of the Barcelona Fishermen’s Guild, meeting and training rooms and all the necessary services, also incorporates the ice factory within the project, which came into service at the end of 2016. The new fish market is part of the comprehensive remodelling of the set of fishing facilities in Barcelona, a project that aims to ensure the development of fishing activity under criteria of sustainability and competitiveness and open this area of Port Vell to the public. For this reason, the project incorporates a walkway that will start next to the Clock Tower and run along the entire length of the building, and large windows that will allow visitors to see the activity that takes place inside, especially the fish auction.

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