La Barceloneta is the cradle of many transformative initiatives.

Photo by ©Isaías Cruz

Without going any further, Espai Mediterrani was born in 2019, an initiative of grouping different entities with the aim of generating a space for collective reflection to transform the vision and public use of the coast of Barcelona and achieve an informed, proactive, empowered and critically grounded citizenship.

Within this group we can find entities such as Barceloneta Proa en el Mar, the Association Mar de Ciencia, Anélidas Servicios ambientales marinos, Catsharks, FECDAS, Hacia Mar, Club Inmersión Biología, El Centro de la Playa, El Club Patí Vela or the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar.

One of the challenges facing Espai Mediterrani in the next two years is to carry out the RES-MED project: Restoration and Resilience with and for the Mediterranean, co-financed by the Barcelona City Council through the Climate Grants. To carry it out, it will be necessary to empower and articulate a network of people to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change through the care of our coastline and the recovery of the environment, as well as the regeneration of the gorgonian population and the different species of elasmobranchs with which we share the coastal ecosystem.

Barceloneta, and Barcelona in general, has much more marine biodiversity than we think. The beaches are an opportunity to connect with that mysterious element that is the global ocean, a central component for planetary life but which remains incognito from the seashore below the horizon line. These beaches are also, without a doubt, an invitation to connect with ourselves and with nature. Can you think of a better way to think about 2024?

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