Get to know the sea in order to love it

El Centro de la Playa, environmental education space.

The Global Ocean is home to more than 200,000 known species (and a minimum of 2,000,000 unknown), which are an essential ecosystem for the functioning of the planet Earth, climate, and atmosphere, are a source of food and resources for humanity and a treasure for its very nature. Therefore, from the Centre de la Platja we dedicated the month of June to the theme “A living sea” and we joined the celebration of World Oceans Day (June 8) with a special program of activities and events that lasted a whole week. As we all know, the ocean and the Mediterranean are also ecosystems that, especially as a result of certain human activities that began with the industrial revolution, have been subjected to serious impacts, such as pollution by waste and dumping, habitat destruction (for example, with the artificialization of the coastline), the introduction of foreign species, overfishing, excessive noise and the warming of the waters.

Our sea is changing, and from the Centre de la Platja we will dedicate the month of July to “A changing sea”, in order to understand how it happens, how we can contribute, as individuals and as a society, to mitigate these changes and not to accelerate them. In August, we will try to discover how to keep “A clean sea”, how to reduce the generation of waste and how to prevent it from reaching the sea. As always, we will do it through activities, workshops, itineraries, and various experiences. We invite you to visit the Centre de la Platja, in the porches of Somorrostro, to visit the monthly exhibitions and to learn about all the free activities for all audiences.

The Centre de la Platja is open to the public from April 1 to October 31, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10h to 14h. From January to March, although the Center is closed, it offers occasional activities, both in the Center itself and in other facilities and spaces in Barcelona.


For more information about El Centre de la Platja: 

Tel. 932 565 194

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