A sea of experiences

The Centre de la Platja reopens its doors in April

In the seas and oceans, spring is a time of change. During the winter, storms with strong waves stir up the shallow marine waters and mix them with the deeper waters, rich in nutrients. But it is in the spring when, due to the increased intensity of sunlight and longer daylight hours, these nutrients are used by the microscopic algae of the plankton, which reproduce with high frequency and form the so-called “blooms” (don’t be confused by the word, algae do not produce flowers). This allows the seasonal regeneration of the entire marine food chain, from the zooplankton, which feeds on the microalgae, to the fish that are eaten by sharks and seagulls, or the fish and shellfish that arrive on our plate.

At the Centre de la Platja we offer you experiences and activities that have the sea as a common theme. When we talk about the sea and sustainability, we must not only think about marine life, but also about all those interrelationships that link us humans with seas and oceans. And of course, the Mediterranean has a great influence on the people who live on its shores, because of its natural wealth and resources, and also because of its relationship with culture, history and way of life.


April: “A sea in feminine”, we will give voice to women of the sea – fisherwomen, scientists, entrepreneurs.

May: “A sea of opportunities”, understanding the sea from the point of view of migrants.

June: “A living sea”, discovering its natural wealth.

July: “A changing sea”, understanding the scope of climate change.

August: “A clean sea”, free of waste.

September: “A sea that makes history”, celebrating the long history of the relationship between Barcelona and the sea.

October: “A sea that makes a city” we will be at the forefront of action towards global changes.


Remember that all the activities are free of charge, with previous registration to: eplatja@bcn.cat.

WHERE ARE WE? At the porches of the Somorrostro beach, in front of the Hospital del Mar, down the promenade. Open to the public from April to October, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 2 pm. Subscribe to the newsletter of the Beach Centre: http://comunica.barcelona.cat/temático/8.

Become a friend of Centre de la Platja on social networks (Instagram: @ centrodelaplaya_bcn / Facebook: @amigoscentredelaplaya).

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