A market that is 137 years old

1. Batllori: fourth generation butchers, since 1875. First in the Plaza Sant Miquel until the Market was inaugurated in 1887.

2. Kim: third generation of greengrocers, started by his grandmother in 1929.

3. Janet and Jordi: Jordi’s great-grandparents in the Market since its inauguration in 1887.

4. Gemma and Pepi: his grandfather Salvador Gibert, fishmonger since the first day of the Market in 1887.

5. Nieves: his mother, Mrs. Ana, opened the chicken store 40 years ago.

6. Quim: the smallest stall of the Mercat celebrates 44 years with first class fish.

7. Pere’s chicken shop: 64 years since the unforgettable Pepet de los Huevos (Josep Soler Riera) opened the stall now run by his son-in-law Pere.

8. Casa Miliu: coming from Poble Nou, already the third generation present in the market.

9. Angi: in 1968 Mercedes Celma opened the store which since 1978 has been run by her daughter Angi.

10. Montse and Sònia: family of tradition “mejillonera”. with a fish shop since their grandmother Mercè, their mother Montse and now Sònia.

11. Francesc: initially as Pollería Montse, Andreu and Pepa, and for 43 years now run by Carmen and her son Francesc.

12. Alegre y Ramírez: since 1984, Marcial and his wife at the head and later their sons Alex and Carlos.

13. Antonio and Pilar: third generation of greengrocers, started by Carlos and Antonio’s grandmother.

14. Ramón: bakery opened by his parents Ramón and Carmen, run by Ramón and his daughter Jordina.

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