Property manager. Professional solutions for your community of neighbors


The figure of the Property Manager emerged in the 19th century. At that time, this facilitator was known as a ‘Procurador’, and his main tasks were the surveillance and maintenance of the property. In addition, he was responsible for drawing up the rental contracts and collecting the rents from them.

Later in 1936, in Barcelona, the statutes of the Association of Property Managers of Barcelona were approved, and, with them, the figure of the Property Manager appeared.



Today, our profession has been forced to constantly retrain and innovate in order to respond to the demands arising from the evolving needs of society.

Nowadays, a property manager must have legal, financial, tax, accounting, architectural and even, sometimes, psychological knowledge.


Comfort and professionalism

Due to the above-mentioned complexity, more and more communities decide to hire the services of a property management company to manage the affairs of their property. Being able to rely on a neutral figure outside the Community that looks after the well-being of everyone and to trust them with complete transparency in the management carried out means that we can say that we are gaining quality of life. For a price that normally ranges between 7 and 9 euros per month per owner, residents have complete coverage for building matters.


Maians SL Consulting and Estates

We are not your typical property management company. We like what we do and we like even more that our neighbours are happy with us. We believe in both good management and proximity to people. That is why our office at C/Baluard, 17 is always open to advise anyone who needs it, not only on Community matters, but also anyone seeking legal advice in any field.

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