People at the side of people

Hundreds of people, professionals of all kinds, have worked and continue to work for our health at the Hospital del Mar. Remembering episodes such as the pandemic makes us not forget the work of these people, sometimes not as recognised as it deserves to be. Here we have compiled testimonies that represent this fundamental group for our lives.



A long career at the Hospital del Mar. 46 years. I arrived in 1975 and retired in 2021.

I started as a resident doctor in Rheumatology and worked my way up the organisation chart to Head of Service. Hospital del Mar gave me the opportunity to become an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at the UAB, as well as to coordinate a research group in ‘Cell Biology and Cartilage’ at the IMIM.

This Hospital has changed a lot.

In the 1970s it was a municipal care facility, limited in its resources, organisation and facilities. The creation of the Institut Municipal d’Assistència Sanitària was the first effective step towards modernisation, as well as the definitive boost as the Olympic Family Hospital in 1992. Today we are witnessing the growth in surface area, structure and technology, which makes it a 21st century health complex.

A situation you will never forget?

The explosion of the gas boiler next to the hospital in 1981.



33 years old. I started working at the Hospital del Mar on 7 January 1991, just after finishing my residency at the Hospital de Sant Pau. As a child, until I was the age of 14, I lived in a room in a house in Alcanar Street, between San Carlos and what is now Pepe Rubianes. We kids lived in the street. I still remember my parents telling me: ‘don’t go and play near the infectious diseases hospital’.

In the end, I came so close that I stayed! This is where practically my entire professional career has developed.

The beginnings?

I started as an assistant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. But we did everything within the service: general gynaecology consultations, ward, operating theatre, etc. There was not as much sub-specialisation as there is now. After working on night duty, you continued with your morning work.



A lifetime at the Hospital?

I am 67 years old. I joined the Hospital del Mar in 1975 as an auxiliary nurse and I had not started my nursing studies. First, I was in the infectious diseases department with Dr. Alcántara, a ward where patients were admitted during the last cholera epidemic in the city. After that I worked on rotations in all the departments, both in the surgical and medical areas, intensive care, etc… In the early eighties I went down to the Emergency Department until my retirement in December 2019.

Returning to fight COVID.

Recently retired, the pandemic broke out and I voluntarily rejoined the group of Dr. José Maria Garcés, a good colleague and best friend, where we had colleagues (nurses, doctors, orderlies, administrative staff…) from the Hospital del Mar admitted to the different homes of the hospital.



I have just arrived at the Hospital.

I started working as an administrative assistant a few months ago.

But it’s always been your hospital.

I was born here. As a patient and now also as a worker, I can say that it is my home. In the hospital I will never forget the joy of the birth of my children and the sadness of saying goodbye to my grandmother.



How long have you been at the Hospital del Mar?

I became a nurse in July 1992 (Olympic year), 32 years ago now.

In what job or health speciality?

From 1992 to 1999 I worked in different hospital areas until I reached the Intensive Care and Coronary Unit, my current job.

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To you, who are part of our history With great emotion and gratitude, I am