Poloboya. If you float, come and we will have a laugh

The slogan says it all. The Poloboya joins two passions, the water polo and the sea, salads with maximum doses of fun and fellowship.

It is a sport with new (very few) rules, played around the buoy on the beach. The only way to score is by paddling and it is necessary to go out at a certain distance to start the attack, which has to have a minimum of 3 or 4 passes. We referee ourselves. If there are 10 of us, we play 5 vs 5; if there are 21 of us, we make 3 teams of 7… It doesn’t matter.

For everyone

The Poloboya is inclusive. Anyone who wants to play can do it. It doesn’t matter if you’ve played water polo or if you’ve never touched a ball in your life, we’ll teach you!

Poloboya is transversal, cosmopolitan and, of course, free of charge. There are no age, gender or nationality limits.

The fun does not distinguish. Everyone is welcome. What’s more, on your first Poloboya day you will be able to hold the ball with both hands and if you don’t score, the game won’t end.

The games played at dawn are very special, when you are able to see the departure of the sun playing, or the full moon night games.

Made in Barceloneta

How was it born? Year 2017. Manel, who had never played water polo in his life and, therefore, lacked the level to participate in the club’s veteran team, suddenly falls in love with polo and buys a ball. He couldn’t think of anything else but to swim to the buoy to make passes with it. David was passing by and, whether out of curiosity or solidarity, he asked him to take part in this curious activity. And so, with these two wonderful madmen and a buoy, the Poloboya was born.

Today, there are almost one hundred of practitioners.

Never better said: for crazy people!

*A special remembrance for Mari Roig, a dear and hard-fighting veteran who accompanied us as long as her health allowed her. RIP

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