With networking, activism crosses borders

Noemí Fuster

Did you know you can change the world through social media? Yes, and you don’t have to be Carlota Bruna. Without having millions of followers, you can also have a great impact on social networks, in fact, nowadays the so-called “microinfluencers” are highly valued for having a very engaged audience, achieving twice the participation rates, being perceived as more authentic and being experts on very specific topics. Today the theme we have chosen is sustainability and we are looking for it in our neighbourhood.

An example that continues to add followers to Tik Tok every day is Elizabeth Sherr (@lizlivingblue) who became known for the global #trashchallenge, encouraging citizens to collect 502,000 pieces of waste. Through her social networks, she shares videos collecting waste from the beaches of Barceloneta and encourages everyone to participate.

Ely Merino (@ely_*pilatessupbeach) is passionate about sharing the Barceloneta sunrises with everyone who wants to join her. She shares it with the 28,400 people who follow her on Instagram. Between shovelfuls, Ely finds time to organize waste collections on the beaches, helping to denounce bad practices in waste management.

If you want to take activism beyond our borders, follow Noemí Fuster (@Noe_Ola) who shows us through her Instagram the environmental impact of our consumption habits in countries like Gambia and Senegal. She denounces the extractive industries of fishmeal, mining or deforestation and explains to us what part of the responsibility we have.

And if you are looking for audiovisual quality and scientific dissemination, you have to meet Laura Secorunque along with Nathan Siegel who run the Instagram account @onaocean.
Through storytelling, these two environmental journalists explain the impact of climate change with the regulatory agent of life on our planet, the ocean.

Have you ever thought what photos appear on Instagram when we put the “hashtag” Barceloneta?

Take a look at it. Following people who create more informative content is a good way for the neighborhood to start showing, which we would like very much, a society committed to the environment and with many emerging social initiatives.

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