Tech Barcelona incorporates Eurecat as Institutional Partner

The Eurecat technology center has joined Tech Barcelona as Institutional Partner with the aim of promoting technology transfer processes and accelerating the innovation dynamics of startups and corporations in Barcelona.

The agreement represents a significant opportunity for collaboration and advancement in applied research and technological development in the region. With it, Eurecat will provide companies and startups in the Tech Barcelona ecosystem – made up of more than 1,400 partners and 90 partners – with new resources to facilitate the generation of technological solutions that respond to their innovation challenges, both in the formulation of new products , innovative services or processes, such as in the development of proofs of concept and prototypes and in supporting their scalability.

“We are confident that this collaboration will highlight the technological differential of the Tech Barcelona ecosystem, providing Eurecat ‘s knowledge to help entrepreneurs and investors achieve their growth objectives, through technology transfer and the development of solutions that benefit, both in the local community and the global community”, underlines the general director of Business of Eurecat , Miquel Rey .

According to Miquel Martí, CEO of Tech Barcelona, “the association is a transversal and integrative platform of the ecosystem and, for this reason, it is crucial to have reference centers in digital transformation and technology like Eurecat . This collaboration will allow us to accelerate the innovation processes that we promote through our activity with emerging companies and large corporations.”

Altogether, the technology center makes its highly advanced capabilities and knowledge available to startups in digital, industrial, biotechnological technologies and in the area of sustainability: from Artificial Intelligence, Big Date, Blockchain , cybersecurity and robotics, to technologies quantum technologies, voice technologies and augmented and virtual reality, among others.

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