Essència Barceloneta turns 2 years old

A lot, little? Don’t know. At least it’s longer than many Barça coaches last. We hope to have fulfilled our initial objective of letting people know something more, both to locals and strangers, about what this neighborhood of l’Ostia has been, is and will be.

But it is true that it is being a very satisfying job, especially from a human point of view. Neighbors who offer us content; people who are a pleasure to meet or meet again; companies, restaurants, shops and entities that make the publication viable with their advertisements; and collaborators who participate in a project in which they believe and we hope they enjoy.
All of them are, you are, the ones who have made it possible for the magazine to come out every three months.

Believe us when we say that it is not easy. But we insist, it is worth it. As much as the neighborhood itself is worth it. Just like the magazine, sometimes difficult and excessively changing, but it is ours. And for that reason alone, you have to contribute to maintain it. To maintain its essence. The Essència Barceloneta .

To all of you: thank you.

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