Chess at Casal Cívic

Casal Cívic I Comunitari Barcelona Barceloneta has created an open chess group, with children and adults, to learn from scratch or to improve their level. You can meet us on Thursday afternoons, in the reading room on the first floor from 5 pm. We look forward to seeing you!

There are few games as universal and respected as chess. Everyone knows it and many know how it is played. But, above all, everyone knows that it is a noble game, where two people carry out a fictitious battle on equal terms, without cheating or trickery. That is why it has always been said that in chess, you either win or you learn.

In an increasingly digital, changing and frenetic world, sitting in front of a chessboard and playing chess quietly as people of all cultures and ages have done for centuries gives us a sense of peace and connects us with the healthiest possible competitiveness.

All the time you can spend playing chess will be rewarded with the satisfaction of having played well or having seen your opponent play better. There is never resentment, as it is a noble game and the possibility of cheating or foul play does not exist.

It has been proven that playing chess has multiple benefits at practically zero cost: it works memory, concentration, emotional intelligence and creativity with the consequent increase in self-esteem. These benefits are universal, for all types of people and ages.

And remember: in chess, you either win or you learn!

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