We are from the sea

Born of the sea. Surrounded by the sea. With the smell of the sea. Barceloneta is the sea.

It could have been built on the coast, as all seaside towns are, but it insisted on being born by the seaside, on land stolen away from the Mediterranean.

Later, it was the sea that brought many of its neighbours. Those travellers who stayed here after disembarking from other latitudes, or those who found their home here to work in maritime activities: in fishing, in the port or in the shipyards.

That is probably why the Hospital here was called the Hospital del Mar, or the most unique and innovative school inaugurated on our beach was also called the School of the Sea.

We know the sea. From zarzuela, through paella, to anchovies or a portion of clams. Seafood dishes that we ate in those picnic areas by the beach or at the bar of our taverns.

The sea has even been our playground. Swimming, playing water polo, takata on the beach, on a Catalan catamaran or simply sunbathing.

We are so much of the sea that many of us were even conceived with the sound of the waves in the background and the humidity of the sea.  At the breakwater, of course.