The municipal facility that keeps the history of the Barceloneta neighborhood alive

La Casa de la Barceloneta 1761 (CB1761) is a cultural center dedicated to recovering the historical and collective memory of the neighborhood, as well as making the heritage of Barceloneta known, from its popular culture to its architecture and art. CB1761 organizes numerous activities such as exhibitions, conferences, guided tours, educational workshops and book presentations, always with the aim of disseminating history, creating a neighborhood network and becoming a meeting place for organizations.

CB1761 participates in the cultural life of the neighborhood by offering historical exhibitions such as “La noche terrible. The effects of the Candelaria storm of 1911 in Barceloneta”, with the Barceloneta History Workshop, or “Barceloneta 3D, an immersion in the past”, a project of the students of the 3D animation cycle of the La Salle school. Guided tours such as “La Barceloneta, a welcoming neighborhood. From the 18th century to the present day”, together with the Barceloneta Community Plan and the Barceloneta Diversa Motor Group, or “La Barceloneta. History, architecture and public art”, by the architects’ cooperative El Globus Rojo.

Every year, between May and June, CB1761 opens a public call for projects that contribute to the knowledge of the historical memory of Barceloneta. Projects are accepted in various formats, such as exhibitions, documentaries or publications. In 2024 there is a budget of 10,000 euros (taxable base) that will be divided among the projects finally selected, giving a maximum of 3,000 euros (taxable base) for each one.

CB1761 also manages the Barceloneta Popular Photographic Fund (FFPB), a collaborative neighbourhood project that aims to reconstruct and disseminate the collective memory of the neighbourhood through images: if you have old photographs of Barceloneta stored at home, you can bring them to CB1761, where we will digitise, document them, and return the originals to you.

Barceloneta House 1761

  1. San Carlos, 6, 08003 Barcelona

93 688 49 56

Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 to 13:30 and from 16:00 to 20:00.

Saturdays from 10:00 to 14:00 h.

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