La Barceloneta, important enclave for the Decade of the Oceans

Next April, Barcelona will host the Ocean Decade Conference, a global event that will foster dialogue between the Ocean Decade community and partners with citizens to assess what has been achieved and set joint priorities for the future.

It will be a three-day face-to-face event, April 10-12, co-led with a number of partners: Generalitat de Catalunya and Barcelona City Council, through the Barcelona Nautical Capital Foundation, and the Spanish Committee of the National Ocean Decade, which is led by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). This main event will take place at the Barcelona International Convention Center.

The previous days, April 8 and 9, a so-called Satellite Events will be held around various topics related to the ocean, offering other perspectives and approaches. Some of the proposals for satellite events arise from Barceloneta, thus, in the program we find interesting sessions such as “Enbluement: connecting science and art to broaden our belonging to the ocean”, “Empowering science, policy and society through co-design for sustainable ocean development”, “Diving from local to global ocean literacy: exploring, sharing and developing successful practices to know, feel and join the living ocean” or “Cities with Ocean – Ocean sciences at the service of sustainable development of coastal cities and ports” among others.

Some of these satellite events will be hosted at the ‘Institute of Marine Sciences, and spaces such as the characteristic Charles Darwin Square will be the epicentre of this fusion of science, citizenship and art as a method of expression and reconnection with the ocean. Save the date for Tuesday afternoon, April 9, because La Barceloneta will make history!

For more information you can go to the Decade of the Ocean Conference website:

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Raül Gallego

War video reporter When his classmates wanted to be footballers, successful businessmen or, some more