Barceloneta House

Exhibition “Barceloneta 3D, an immersion in the past”

From May 4 to June 15

Project by the students of the 3D animation cycle of La Salle Barceloneta to recreate the architectural heritage of the neighborhood through a virtual reality application and a model printed in resin. Through this initiative, people who visit the exhibition will be able to virtually discover the most notable historical buildings in Barceloneta.

Exhibition «A school near the break from the waves . The Sea School and Barceloneta, between hope and war (1921-1938)»

From June 22 to July 31

The exhibition shows the historical and architectural research done by the students of the Joan Salvat- Papasseit institute to build a 1.5 x 1.5 m model that represents the Sea School. The exhibition will have explanations about the importance of this school that was located in Barceloneta, old photographs, original school material and images of the development process of the project.

The students have collaborated with different entities from the neighborhood’s associative fabric to build the model, such as the Ateneu de Fabricació -La Fábrica del Sol and the Casal de Gent Gran Mediterrànea .

Casa de la Barceloneta 1761
c/ Sant Carles, 6
93 688 49 56
Horaris: De dimarts a divendres de 10 a 13:30h i de 16 a 20h / Dissabtes de 10 a 14h.

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