A summer of records

Summer has already come. Although we have been in short sleeves for months, it has officially begun. And it may already be getting too long for you.

But this won’t be just any summer. It looks like it’s going to be one full of sporting events, although neither you nor I are in shape to compete with any guarantee.

It’s not only about the Olympics, Eurocuper” or “ Cupamericaner ” . A summer of sport because records will be broken again. You will see. At least the heat record and the record of tourists on our streets will be broken again.

Don’t think about the electricity bill or buying the air conditioning once and for all, because you’re already late. And, most importantly, how is your English?
Because if you’re not up to speed with the language of Shakespeare, how do you want these guys who are so happy that they don’t let you sleep at night, or these waiters who are asked to work in all the languages except yours, to understand you?

If you want to face summer with grace, it is no longer enough to do “the operation bikini”.

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