With the Community in 2024; With the Community in 2025

As proud members of this special community, we strive to support meaningful and sustainable initiatives that create a positive and lasting impact for our neighbourhood and all its residents. Below is a summary of some of our joint actions in 2024 and our plans for 2025.


Toy Drive

In partnership with Carlos Arena, we organised a drive to collect new toys for local children to enjoy during the holiday season. In addition, we partnered with Belong to Sea to run a second-hand toy drive.


Recycled plastic benches for FC Barceloneta

Sustainability and sport came together in our donation of benches made from recycled plastic. This collaboration with Carbon Blue highlighted the practical benefits of recycling.


Sponsorship of the Fira de Nadal

Together with Josep Gurri, we were proud to sponsor the Fira de Nadal de Barceloneta, an important event in the festive calendar.


Solidarity container

Every year we participate in the Port of Barcelona’s solidarity container initiative, where we make a donation to Caritas to buy food for people in need, especially at Christmas time.


Belong to Sea – Gorgonian coral project

In collaboration with Belong to Sea and the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM), we contribute to the Gorgonian Project, an initiative focused on the protection and restoration of local marine ecosystems through the preservation of gorgonian corals, a vital part of the Mediterranean seabed.


BIRC Project

We proudly funded the purchase of a rowing boat for the BIRC project, which helps breast cancer patients at the Hospital del Mar in their physical and emotional recovery. This initiative highlights the therapeutic power of rowing and the healing connection with the sea.


Career guidance through the PIOL programme

This year, we continued our collaboration with PIOL (Punt d’Informació i Orientació Laboral Barceloneta) to identify local candidates for positions in our company. In addition, we have welcomed PIOL participants and students from Barceloneta schools to our shipyard for guided tours. These visits are designed to inspire them to continue their studies and explore possible career opportunities in the maritime industry.


Looking to 2025

Our commitment to Barceloneta remains strong. In the coming year, we plan to continue working together on initiatives that will generate a positive impact.

In 2025, a key change will be our collaboration with Belong to Sea and the ICM. We will move from the Gorgonias Project to a new marine conservation initiative focused on the protection of seahorses, a vulnerable species in the waters of Barceloneta. This project aims to safeguard local biodiversity and strengthen our community’s connection to its unique marine environment.

We are grateful for the partnerships and support that have made these projects possible, and we look forward to another year of working together to create a sustainable and prosperous future for our neighbourhood.

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